Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Doing the right thing in America!

If someone asked you the definition of "doing the right thing", where would your reasoning come from? Take a look at the picture to the right. Notice how the permanent boundary marking is subject to a temporary twig which has fallen beside the road. Soon the twig will be gone leaving a permanent reminder of a temporary obstruction. Many choose to live their life in this manner, a life defined by present circumstances and guided by a relative moral compass. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind. Is there a better way?

I invite you into the minds of four great conservative thinkers as they peer behind this seemingly thin veil of ethical contradiction and observe the current state and direction of the United States of America.

Is the New Morality Destroying America? 

By Clare Boothe Luce, American playwright, legislator, and diplomat.

But what history does tell us is that when the majority of the people begin to abandon their version of the universal morality, their society sooner or later begins to collapse, and is eventually destroyed. Unfortunately in America today there are many individuals who have renounced traditional morality for what has come to be called "relative morality" or "situational ethics." ("It may be wrong in general, but my situation is different, so for me it's right.")

Who gets to make the rules?
By Cal Thomas, conservative American syndicated columnist. 
If God is not God and if man says God didn't say what He has said, then what standard is to be used to judge anything? It is more than a slippery slope. It is slippery theology with potential consequences that are eternal. Who gets to decide, God or man? If man, then man becomes God and God is diminished, at least in man's eyes.

Freedom Requires Morality
By Don Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association. 
But the truth is that all our fine talk about personal freedoms in the U.S. can be nullified by the freedom we take with the moral laws of God. … Our consciences have become blunted and dulled with an overdose of pseudosophistication and broad-mindedness. We have become so tolerant of sin and sinfulness that we have lost our capacity to protest and rebel against plain indecency and moral rottenness.

Ethics Codes Don't make People Ethical
By Michael Josephson, founder and president of Josephson Institute. 
"You see, there are two aspects to ethics: discernment (knowing right from wrong) and discipline (having the moral willpower to do what's right). A code can help define what's right and acceptable and provide a basis for improving sanctions on those who don't follow it. But unless it reinforces an established ethical culture, it won't do much to assure that people do what's right.

How to avoid casting a racist vote in 2012!

I originally wrote this piece on Tuesday, August 30, 2011, long before Herman Cain entered the 2012 race. For this reason, you'll find it even more prophetic this election year. Mark my words, once the Republican nominee is chosen, the race card will be brought back to the table (This is one of many reasons why I really wanted Herman Cain to win the nomination).

According to most English definitions, racism involves the belief in racial differences, which acts as a justification for non-equal treatment (which some regard as "discrimination") of members of that race.Neither the white, black nor Asian man can claim sole custody of its ill effects when it suits their political or social agenda. Yet even today many certainly still do.

In an article in the Politco on November 5th, 2008 we were reminded that fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. As in past years, black women turned out at a higher rate than black men…McCain won only 57 percent of the votes of white men.  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1108/15297.html
You see, blacks out-voted whites almost 2-1 in favor of the African-American candidate choice in 2008. Now this does not appear very “fair” during a time when giving our “fair share” was the very bedrock of the Obama campaign and subsequent administration. It’s funny how this message did not seem to manifest itself at the polls. Now, relax your mind a moment. Imagine if Obama was white and McCain was black. What if 96 percent of white voters supported McCain while Obama won only 57 percent of black voters? The mainstream media and liberal electorate would certainly cry foul while demanding a recount. “Racism” they would cry!
Interestingly, it appears that in West Virginia “racism” only accounts for 20% of the voter population. On May 14th, 2008 the Huffington Post wrote: Fully 20% of the voters consisted of whites who reported that race was a factor, and they voted for Clinton 84-10 over Obama. That's a total racist vote of 17%. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-k-wilson/west-virginia-countrys-mo_b_101651.html
An impassioned “total racist vote” they exclaimed! Yet where were the cries from this same Huffington Post concerning those 96 percent of black voters who supported Obama over McCain?
Silence echoed throughout the liberal left.
Only 4% of black voters chose a white candidate while 43% of white voters chose a black candidate, that's 4% vs. 43%. Don’t cry racism unless you’re willing to justify non-equal treatment of members of one race. Hey, isn't that racism? Using the logic of the Huffington Post, 96% of black voters exhibited racism towards John McCain. John’s a nice guy and doesn’t deserve this, even Barack said so! Racism can be a tool for social engineering and the Huffington Post continues to use it to this very day. This blogger would like to note that there are many great black leaders alive today who should run for President but would never garner support from at least 96% of black voters since they happen to be conservative. Not racism, just plain stupidity.
So how can Americans avoid casting a potentially racist vote in 2012? Truly, if we are to resolve ourselves of any possible claims of discrimination then we must cast our vote in an equally and racially fair manner. For example, since blacks consist of roughly 13% +/- of the electorate, then that is the “fair” percentage which voters should attribute to any black candidate during the next electoral tally. 87% of you black voters are going to have to choose a non-black candidate. Sorry Barack, but it’s the only way to avoid a truly racist vote. America can thank the Huffington Post for bringing this potential travesty of social disorder to light.
As for me and many other great Americans, we prefer to simply look at the candidates as racially equal individuals and cast our votes according to conscience and political alignment. Sounds fair to me!
JR @ Dittos Rush!


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